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Figma App Project

Practice with Figma - setting up an app outline

Setting up a wire frame

Setting up a wireframe kit for library

Setting up constraints

To ensure the status bar remains at the top no matter how the page is resized  

So the fab remains at the bottom right no matter how the page is resized


Creating different iterations of the page to play with composition


A template for the library should collaborators join and give notes on different templates  

  Finalizing wireframes

  Adding filler images to the circular avatar picture and post image (rectangular with rounded corners). Adding dummy text and creating new text style for future use.

  Using Stark plugin in to test the contrast between off-grey text and white background. The first image fails the test - the text is too light. The second image has slightly darker, slightly purple text color, and passes the contrast test.  

Adding the new text color to a color style