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Do Re #MeToo

An hilarious evening of powerful feminists reclaiming the most misogynistic songs to fundraise for Abortion Access Front. Featuring amazing performers including Karen Grotbert (The Jayhawks), Aby Wolf, Meghan Kreidler (Kiss The Tiger), Janey Winterbauer (The Suburbs), Tricky Miki, Katy Vernon, Zora Grey, Taylor Kraemer and KT Branscom (Vial), Lucy Michelle, and Mariah Mercedes and Nadirah McGill (Gully Boys), and The Maneaters.

These graphics include social posts for the event's promotion as well as video assets used to produce the show itself, all using vintage, circular imagery refreshed each year with different color palettes. 

DRMT Social poster 

An instagram post promoting 2022 Do Re #MeToo event

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DRMT Transitions 

Three transition for Do Re #MeToo - One with silhouettes of sings rising up from bottom screen, holding mics and masking several 70s-era disco light effects. The second encompasses the 2022 color pallet, blooming from center outward to fill the screen before and sliding down out again from bottom screen. The last transiton is a circle wipe, made from a swarm of metalic discs animating right-side screen and back out the other side.


2022 DRMT’s nine guests each have two L3 Chyron’s - One for the song they perform, and another that animates from talent’s handles to their social handles.

Each Chyron animates on screen using masks in After EFfects, backed by metallic circles scaling up into view.


Mortices for virtual interviews over Zoom - the transparent gfx is cut out for a two or three person inter view to be placed over Zoom recordings.